Cassie Dallas (Vocals) Chris King (Guitar) Justin "Shinz" Gonzales (Keys/Samples) Andrew "Baz" Barrington (Bass) Rage Carter (Drums)
Rarely does a band earn the acclaim from their first release to pave the way for their future after being together for only 4 years. Even rarer is it to find a band that can do so with everlasting passion and aggression. With their debut release ‘Keeping Nothing’, Australia’s fastest rising metal band ANTONAMASIA, have done just that.
Earning them billing alongside the biggest metal bands in the country such as the prestigious Metal for the Brain Festival and Metalstock and securing them exclusive supports with bands such as 10 Years (US), Leaves’ Eyes (SWE) and Atrocity (GER), ‘Keeping Nothing’ was received with open arms, rave reviews and 5/5 ratings in Drum Media and Blunt Magazine and on online publications including, and
With each review comes the vindicated spotlight of the band’s goth-iconic frontwoman, 20 year old Cassie Dallas. A vocal force second to none, Dallas delivers dark and intricate stories of love and desperation with a voice of ”sheer damn power”. That which can only be described as a perfect contradiction is the brutally heart-wrenching overtones of the rest of the band. Andrew ‘Baz’ Barrington, Chris King, Rage Carter and Justin 'Shinz' Gonzales pour their easily identifiable brand of epic beauty and power into each story, all of which is transferred to the stage in their frenzied chaos of emotion and energy that constantly leaves crowds entranced and bewildered.
Almost immediately after recording their debut release in January 2006 with 2 time ARIA nominated producer dw Norton (Superheist, Daysend, Vanden), ANTONAMASIA signed with esteemed Metal/Hard Rock label Faultline Records. Helmed by Norton, Faultline Records released a highly anticipated ‘Keeping Nothing’ in October 2006 which quickly elevated the band to towering heights. With immediate attention from Triple J’s Full Metal Racket and online radio stations such as Hard Rock Radio Live, ‘Keeping Nothing’ has seen high rotation since its release. The following month their debut effort saw the band among the top 5 at the 2006 Musicoz Awards when ”Asphyxiation Theory” was nominated in Best Metal/Hardcore category.
After 4 solid years of touring and sharing the stage with the biggest names in Australian metal and their 27 date 2006 Keeping Nothing Tour, ANTONAMASIA have, in a very short time, proven that they possess the talent and undying work ethic that will take them to the top and far beyond.
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Раньше несколько раз пытался их слушать. Не пёрло вообще ничего. Не знаю, что конкретно они поменяли в звучании, но этот альбом сразил меня наповал. Это просто пушка!
Вообще давно как-то на них натыкался по каверу на No Doubt, но не знал, что выпускали альбом. Звучат на любителя, есть грязный скрим, трек My Surrender с альбома неплох